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- @^@f02@t6@sf,2@cSTOLEN DATA INSTRUCTIONS@t5
- @f00Stolen Data is designed to be as user
- friendly as possible, there are 3
- methods of control available, these
- are keyboard, joystick and mouse.
- What follows should be everything you
- need to know about the use and
- control of the magazine.
- @t6@f01@s3,1THE SPECIAL KEYS@t5@f00
- DEL and "M" Menu Page
- HELP and "H" This Page
- To return to the magazine after
- selecting either the Help or Menu
- page simply select the Menu or
- Help icon once more or alternativly
- select either the up or down article
- selection icons via mouse, joystick or
- keyboard.
- @^
- @t6@f01@s3,1THE CONTROL PANEL@f00@t5
- The control panel is situated along
- the bottom of the screen. The Icons
- and their functions are so
- simple to use they need virtualy no
- instruction, from left to right we
- have...
- @t6The Index Icon@t5
- Selecting this shows the menu page, a
- second click will return you to your
- last page.
- @t6The Cursor Icons@t5
- These can be controlled directly be
- the mouse, joystick or keys. Using
- the mouse simply click the up or down
- arrow to advance or retreat one
- article, the title of the article will
- @#@t5
- be displayed in the window above the
- icon panel. Press the right mouse
- button when you reach the article you
- wish to select. When using the
- keyboard the same method of article
- selection applies, but to actualy load
- the article you press either RETURN,
- ENTER or the SPACEBAR. If using the
- joystick control is identicle to the
- above but pressing the joystick button
- will load the article. The left and
- right cursor keys are used to scroll
- your curently selected article left or
- right, you can also manipulate cursor
- icons with mouse, or alternativly
- move the joystick left or right.
- @t6The "?" Icon@t5
- This gives you this page, selecting
- the icon again will return you to the
- article you left.
- @^
- @t6The "Musical Notes" Icon@t5
- This gadget will toggle will toggle
- the soundtrack ON/OFF.
- @t6Keypad Entry@t5
- This method of article selection is
- also designed to be as simple as
- possible. Simply enter the number of
- the page you wish to load and press
- return or enter. You do not have to
- enter zero's before the page number.
- For instance, if you wish to select
- page 5, press "5" and Enter or Return,
- not "005".
- @@